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Liberty in America; Past, Present and Future takes a long look back into the evolution of the personal liberty from its earliest recorded beginnings, through the middle ages to the founding of our unique American Republic and personal freedom. It goes on to describe how our liberties have been gradually eroded by the progressive encroachment of politically correct state and federal governments.  The author concludes with a practical solution to preserve our liberties into the future. This book was designed to be read in one evening, but the hyperlink references throughout the text may draw the reader to explore the topics online for days. So find a comfortable chair, sit back and enjoy a journey of re-discovering liberty in America.

Grab your copy now!



In Liberty in America; Past, Present and Future: A Prescription for America, Dr. Bill Choby, examines the evolution of personal liberty from its early beginnings toward the founding of the American Republic. This book is a timely and relevant contribution to the expansion and revitalization of democracy studies and offers a fresh take on personal freedom attained through a God-centered life.


This book provides the readers with an insight into America’s long history of struggle and how its forefathers fought for freedom by fighting against an oppressive system of governance and breaking free from political bondage. Choby explains how personal liberties have been limited and encroached on by the politically correct state and federal governments. Through his expertise in analyzing government policies, Dr. Choby demonstrates in this book with his pragmatic case presentations how most of the domestic issues and political dramas the country faces are rooted in the lack of understanding of what made the American government unique in the world—faith, courage, discipline, and personal sacrifice.


Dr. Choby also campaigns to inculcate a sense of appreciation among Americans on how liberty was achieved in the country by understanding how it was fought for. This book provides a comprehensible explication of how America has reached where it is today as the bastion of democracy around the world, guided by the principles of faith and selflessness. Further, it lays a framework of corrective actions that he deems necessary in the preservation of peace, justice, and liberty. This book will interest both academic and non-academic audiences, as it explores our ideas of personal freedom and offers practical solutions in the preservation of American liberties in the future.


Overall, the book is powerful and thoroughly engaging. It brings to the world a way to rediscover a story of liberty in America that is previously largely denied or ignored. As such, it stands as a success.

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Dear Dr. Choby,​

I have just completed a re run of your Book

                       Liberty in America

The reason for the second was that I needed to better absorb such a significant and scholarly work. It is a significant gift to people who believe in America. I think it to be a useful read for students in Junior High School. They will return to it in their Twenties and Thirties.

I am ninety six years old. Thank you for brightening my halcion years.

Live in the peace of our Lord!

                                      + Mont Bower

Liberty in America: Past, Present and Future: A Prescription for America

by Dr. Bill Choby
Book review by Kat Kennedy

"The birth of liberty was assured when our ancestors realized that they possessed a 'free will' and therefore
could 'choose' alternatives."

In this examination of American liberty, the author begins by offering an exhaustive definition of liberty. First, Choby identifies six types of liberty: physical, natural, moral, religious, political, and civil. He examines the progress of liberty throughout history, including the importance of the Judeo-Christian Bible to the growth of American Liberty. The thread of liberty is followed through the Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, the Pentateuch, Plato's Republic, and Aristotle's Politics. Challenges during the Middle Ages, such as the seizure of the Temple of Solomon, which led to the Crusades, are examined, as is the importance of the Magna Carta as "the most important first step in the negotiations of personal freedoms in Western cultures that were recognized and defended by a government…." Other important philosophical and political thinkers are also discussed, such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson.

Choby's study of the growth of liberty is a fascinating look at historical and political factors leading to the American ideal of liberty. The author offers concise, informative chapters which trace the birth, growth, and evolution of the concept of individual liberty in America. His book argues that American liberty is at risk because of the prevalence of socialism among liberal members of Congress who wish to change the government's structure. The text also doesn't avoid blaming the liberal media specifically as proponents of "fake news." These views of liberalism and progressivism as the sole causes of America's problems cause the book's argument to come across as somewhat one-sided. However, the inclusion of easily understood details about historical events makes this the perfect book for those wishing to learn about the development of thought which gave birth to American liberty.

Book Title: Liberty in America: Past, Present and Future: A Prescription for
Author: Dr. Bill Choby
Reviewed by: Sarah McGuire

“When right becomes wrong, the people suffer in chaos.”

Liberty in America: Past, Present and Future: A Prescription for America by Dr. Bill Choby is a penetrating analysis of the Liberty in America and its adequacies in providing information about the founding of the Republic. The text employs facts, overwhelming information about liberalism and progressivism, and the birth of our American political liberty. With ample references from other sources that readers can refer to along with contemplative quotes to support his observations and conclusions, including prominent political writers from the history.
Dr. Choby is very concise, giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive. He explores broad concepts of liberalism in America, on how we could account for the development of liberty and individual freedom. Dr. Choby has clearly done extensive research to organize his forthright declarations. Each chapter addresses a particular subject as they build upon each other chronologically. Dr. Choby finishes by including some information that accentuate his facts and views herein, the bibliographic roots.

“It is not wealth, gender, race, or religion. It is because we are equally flawed before the perfect God who
created us. It is He who makes the truths to be self-evident.”

This text stands out as being unapologetically Christian as it integrates Christian initiatives and perspectives. It is a well-researched narrative that is compelling and persuasive. The author is most certainly forceful in supporting his core beliefs and arguments. Nevertheless, his substantive but accessible language as he examines most of the political theories and practices entrenched in our systems and society, will assuredly invite students and masses alike to engage in these subjects in a way that is both supportive and open-minded.
Indeed, Liberty in America: Past, Present and Future: A Prescription for America by Dr. Bill Choby is a
dense but informative tableau that prompts reflection on what stands true.

© 2023 by Dr. Bill Choby. Proudly created by The Ewings, LLC.

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